
Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm sharing "Risk of ESRD and Death in Patients with CKD Not Referred to a Nephrologist: A 7-Year Prospective Study."

I thought you would be interested in this article.

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2014 Jul 29;

Risk of ESRD and Death in Patients with CKD Not Referred to a Nephrologist: A 7-Year Prospective Study.
Roberto Minutolo, Francesco Lapi, Paolo Chiodini, Monica Simonetti, Elisa Bianchini, Serena Pecchioli, Iacopo Cricelli, Claudio Cricelli, Gaetano Piccinocchi, Giuseppe Conte, Luca De Nicola

PMID: 25074838

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1 comment:

  1. KIdney transplantation and the cost of that is also very high...But manipal international patient care is offering very affordable cost for Kidney transplantation cost in India
