Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: Kidney
OPTN/SRTR 2011 Annual Data Report: Kidney
ABSTRACT A shortage of kidneys for transplant remains a major problem for patients with end-stage renal disease. The number of candidates on the waiting list continues to increase each year, while organ donation numbers remain flat. Thus, transplant rates for adult wait-listed candidates continue to decrease. However, pretransplant mortality rates also show a decreasing trend. Many kidneys recovered for transplant are discarded, and discard rates are increasing. Living donation rates have been essentially unchanged for the past decade, despite introduction of desensitization, non-directed donations, and kidney paired donation programs. For both living and deceased donor recipients, early posttransplant results have shown ongoing improvement, driven by decreases in rates of graft failure and return to dialysis. Immunosuppressive drug use has changed little, except for the Food and Drug Administration approval of belatacept in 2011, the first approval of a maintenance immunosuppressive drug in more than a decade. Pediatric kidney transplant candidates receive priority under the Share 35 policy. The number of pediatric transplants peaked in 2005, and decreased to a low of 760 in 2011. Graft survival and short-term renal function continue to improve for pediatric recipients. Postransplant lymphoproliferative disorder is an important concern, occurring in about one-third of pediatric recipients.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Machine perfusion versus cold storage for the preservation of kidneys from donors >=65 years allocated in the Eurotransplant Senior Programme
Machine perfusion versus cold storage for the preservation of kidneys from donors >=65 years allocated in the Eurotransplant Senior Programme
In the Eurotransplant Senior Programme (ESP), kidneys from donors aged ≥65 years are preferentially allocated locally and transplanted into patients aged ≥65 years on dialysis. The purpose of this study was to analyse whether the results of transplantation in the ESP can be improved by preservation of organs by hypothermic machine perfusion (MP) compared with simple cold storage (CS).
MethodsOverall, 85 deceased heart-beating donors ≥65 years of age were included in this analysis with follow-up until 1 year post-transplant. For each donor, one kidney was randomly assigned to preservation by CS and the contralateral kidney to MP from organ procurement until transplantation. Delayed graft function (DGF), primary non-function (PNF) and 1-year patient and graft survival rates were evaluated as primary and secondary endpoints.
ResultsThe median recipient age was 66 years in both groups and the median cold ischaemia time was 11 h for MP and 10.5 h for CS (P = 0.69). The DGF rate was 29.4% for MP and 34.1% for CS (P = 0.58). Only extended duration of cold ischaemia time was an independent risk factor for the development of DGF (odds ratio 1.2, P < 0.0001). PNF was significantly reduced (3.5% MP versus 12.9% CS, P = 0.02). The 1-year patient and graft survival rates were similar for MP and CS (94% versus 95% and 89 versus 81%, P > 0.05). The 1-year graft survival rate was significantly improved after MP in recipients who developed DGF (84% MP versus 48% CS, P = 0.01).
ConclusionsContinuous pulsatile hypothermic MP for kidneys from donors aged ≥65 years can reduce the rate of never-functioning kidneys and improve the 1-year graft survival rate of kidneys with DGF. In this small cohort, the known advantage of MP for the reduction of DGF could not be confirmed, possibly due to relatively short cold ischaemia times.
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Monday, December 10, 2012
Everolimus-Treated Renal Transplant Recipients Have a More Robust CMV-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Response Compared With Cyclosporine- or Mycophenolate-Treated Patients
Everolimus-Treated Renal Transplant Recipients Have a More Robust CMV-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Response Compared With Cyclosporine- or Mycophenolate-Treated Patients
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
Effects of HLA-Matched Blood Transfusion for Patients Awaiting Renal Transplantation
Effects of HLA-Matched Blood Transfusion for Patients Awaiting Renal Transplantation

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HTLV-1 in Solid-Organ Transplantation: Current Challenges and Future Management Strategies
HTLV-1 in Solid-Organ Transplantation: Current Challenges and Future Management Strategies

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Is Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis Dispensable in Patients Receiving an mTOR Inhibitor-Based Immunosuppression? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Is Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis Dispensable in Patients Receiving an mTOR Inhibitor-Based Immunosuppression? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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The Effect of Everolimus Versus Mycophenolate Upon Proteinuria Following Kidney Transplant and Relationship to Graft Outcomes
The Effect of Everolimus Versus Mycophenolate Upon Proteinuria Following Kidney Transplant and Relationship to Graft Outcomes
Although mTOR inhibitor use has been associated with proteinuria in kidney transplant recipients, dose dependency and impact on allograft function are unknown. In a post hoc analysis, we compared rates of proteinuria 3 months posttransplant among everolimus (EVR) and mycophenolate (MPA) treatment arms and used a time-dependent model to correlate the risk of proteinuria to EVR trough levels up to 24 months posttransplant. eGFR and graft loss was compared by proteinuria status at 3 months. Of 833 randomized patients, 24%, 36% and 19% of lower exposure EVR (1.5 mg/day), higher exposure EVR (3.0 mg/day) and MPA-treated patients had proteinuria ≥ 300 mg/g Cr at 3 months, respectively. EVR 1.5 was not associated with an increase in risk of proteinuria (HR 1.20; p = 0.19) unlike EVR 3.0 (HR 1.84; p < 0.001) versus MPA. EVR trough levels >8 ng/mL were significantly associated with proteinuria compared to 3–8 ng/mL (HR 1.86; p < 0.001). Those patients with proteinuria at 3 months and those who developed proteinuria thereafter had lower eGFR and higher graft loss at 24 months, regardless of treatment arm. We identify a dose-dependent effect of EVR with the risk of proteinuria; however, its independent impact upon eGFR and graft survival at 2 years was not evident.
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
Effect on Kidney Graft Survival of Reducing or Discontinuing Maintenance Immunosuppression After the First Year Posttransplant
Effect on Kidney Graft Survival of Reducing or Discontinuing Maintenance Immunosuppression After the First Year Posttransplant

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Preformed Complement-Activating Low-Level Donor-Specific Antibody Predicts Early Antibody-Mediated Rejection in Renal Allografts
Preformed Complement-Activating Low-Level Donor-Specific Antibody Predicts Early Antibody-Mediated Rejection in Renal Allografts
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
Impact of donor age on long-term outcomes after delayed graft function: 10-year follow-up
Impact of donor age on long-term outcomes after delayed graft function: 10-year follow-up
Delayed graft function (DGF) has a negative impact on graft survival in donation after brain death (DBD) but not for donation after cardiac death (DCD) kidneys. However, older donor age is associated with graft loss in DCD transplants. We sought to examine the interaction between donor age and DGF in DBD kidneys. This is a single-center, retrospective review of 657 consecutive DBD recipients transplanted between 1990 and 2005. We stratified the cohort by decades of donor age and studied the association between DGF and graft failure using Cox models. The risk of graft loss associated with DGF was not significantly increased for donor age below 60 years (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1.12, 1.51, and 0.90, respectively, for age <40, 41–50 and 51–60 years) but significantly increased after 60 years (aHR 2.67; P = 0.019). Analysis of death-censored graft failure yielded similar results for donor age below 60 years and showed a substantially increased risk with donors above 60 years (aHR 6.98, P = 0.002). This analysis reveals an unexpectedly high impact of older donor age on the association between DGF and renal transplant outcomes. Further research is needed to determine the best use of kidneys from donors above 60 years old, where DGF is expected.
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Donor-Specific Antibodies Adversely Affect Kidney Allograft Outcomes
Donor-Specific Antibodies Adversely Affect Kidney Allograft Outcomes
The effect of low titers of donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) detected only by sensitive solid-phase assays (SPAs) on renal transplant outcomes is unclear. We report the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of rejection rates and graft outcomes for renal transplant recipients with such preformed DSAs, defined by positive results on SPA but negative complement-dependent cytotoxicity and flow cytometry crossmatch results. Our search identified seven retrospective cohort studies comprising a total of 1119 patients, including 145 with isolated DSA-SPA. Together, these studies suggest that the presence of DSA-SPA, despite a negative flow cytometry crossmatch result, nearly doubles the risk for antibody-mediated rejection (relative risk [RR], 1.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.36–2.89; P<0.001) and increases the risk for graft failure by 76% (RR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.13–2.74; P=0.01). These results suggest that donor selection should consider the presence of antibodies in the recipient, identified by the SPA, even in the presence of a negative flow cytometry crossmatch result.
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Association of HLA Mismatch With Death With a Functioning Graft A...
Association of HLA Mismatch With Death With a Functioning Graft After Kidney Transplantation: A Collaborative Transplant Study Report
Authors: Opelz, G.; Döhler, B.
Source: American Journal of Transplantation, Volume 12, Number 11, 1 November 2012 , pp. 3031-3038(8)
HLA mismatches may correlate with risk of death with a functioning graft (DWFG) because of requirement for higher immunosuppression doses and more antirejection therapy. Deceased-donor kidney transplants (n = 177 584) performed 1990-2009 and reported to the Collaborative Transplant Study were analyzed. The incidence of DWFG was found to be 4.8% during year 1 posttransplant and 7.7% during years 2-5 (Kaplan-Meier estimates). Most frequent causes of DWFG were infection, cardiovascular disease and malignancy (32.2%, 30.9% and 3.6% in year 1; 16.4%, 29.6% and 15.9% in years 2-5). HLA-A + B + DR mismatches were significantly associated with DWFG during year 1 (p < 0.001), a correlation that diminished but persisted during years 2-5 (p < 0.001). HLA mismatch was associated with DWFG because of infection (p < 0.001 during year 1, p = 0.043 during years 2-5) or cardiovascular disease (p < 0.001 during year 1, p = 0.030 during years 2-5) but not malignancy. There was also a significant association between HLA mismatch and hospitalization for viral (p < 0.001) or bacterial (p = 0.002) infection. Multivariable analysis showed that mismatches for HLA class II were more strongly associated with both hospitalization and DWFG than mismatches for HLA class I.Document Type: Research article
Affiliations: 1: Department of Transplantation Immunology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Increased Urinary CCL2: Cr Ratio at 6 Months is Associated With Late Renal Allograft Loss
Increased Urinary CCL2: Cr Ratio at 6 Months is Associated With Late Renal Allograft Loss
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Renal Function and NODM in De Novo Renal Transplant Recipients Treated with Standard and Reduced Levels of Tacrolimus in Combination with EC-MPS
Renal Function and NODM in De Novo Renal Transplant Recipients Treated with Standard and Reduced Levels of Tacrolimus in Combination with EC-MPS
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Cinacalcet for the Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Cinacalcet for the Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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Posttransplant Malignancies in Solid Organ Adult Recipients: An Analysis of the U.S. National Transplant Database
Posttransplant Malignancies in Solid Organ Adult Recipients: An Analysis of the U.S. National Transplant Database

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Tobacco Smoking and Solid Organ Transplantation
Tobacco Smoking and Solid Organ Transplantation

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Inferior Early Posttransplant Outcomes for Recipients of Right Versus Left Deceased Donor Kidneys: An ANZDATA Registry Analysis
Inferior Early Posttransplant Outcomes for Recipients of Right Versus Left Deceased Donor Kidneys: An ANZDATA Registry Analysis
Anatomical differences between right and left kidneys could influence transplant outcome. We compared graft function and survival for left and right kidney recipients transplanted from the same deceased organ donor. Adult recipients of 4900 single kidneys procured from 2450 heart beating deceased donors in Australia and New Zealand from 1995 to 2009 were included in a paired analysis. Right kidneys were associated with more delayed graft function (DGF) (25 vs. 21% for left kidneys, p < 0.001) and, if not affected by DGF, a slower fall in serum creatinine. One-year graft survival was lower for right kidneys (89.1 vs. 91.1% for left kidneys, p = 0.001), primarily attributed to surgical complications (66 versus 35 failures for left kidneys). Beyond the first posttransplant year, kidney side was not associated with eGFR, graft or patient survival. Receipt of a right kidney is a risk factor for inferior outcomes in the first year after transplantation. A higher incidence of surgical complications suggests the shorter right renal vein may be contributory. The higher susceptibility of right kidneys to injury should be considered in organ allocation.
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Effect of Corticosteroid Withdrawal on Tacrolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil Exposure in a Randomized Multicenter Study
Effect of Corticosteroid Withdrawal on Tacrolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil Exposure in a Randomized Multicenter Study
As corticosteroid-sparing protocols are increasingly utilized in kidney transplant recipients, it is crucial to understand potential drug interactions between tacrolimus (TAC) and the effect of corticosteroid withdrawal as well as to characterize dose adjustments of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in this setting. This prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study included 397 patients who were randomized on posttransplant day 8 to receive either placebo (CSWD) or corticosteroid continuance (CCS). TAC trough levels at week two posttransplant were significantly greater in the CSWD group whereas TAC doses were comparable to the CCS group. This interaction was not observed in the African American subgroup. Higher serum creatinine and potassium levels were also observed in the CSWD group. MMF dose was significantly reduced in the CSWD group by the investigators because of decreased WBC counts, mostly outside of study protocol criteria, despite similar incidence of neutropenia and reported cytomegalovirus infection. Understanding TAC and MMF exposure in the context of corticosteroid-sparing protocols should allow for improved dosing of immunosuppressants and better management of posttransplant patients.
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Treatment of Steroid-Resistant Acute Renal Allograft Rejection With Alemtuzumab
Treatment of Steroid-Resistant Acute Renal Allograft Rejection With Alemtuzumab
Steroid-resistant renal allograft rejections are commonly treated with rabbit antithymocyte globulin (RATG), but alemtuzumab could be an effective, safe and more convenient alternative. Adult patients with steroid-resistant renal allograft rejection treated with alemtuzumab (15–30 mg s.c. on 2 subsequent days) from 2008 to 2012 (n = 11) were compared to patients treated with RATG (2.5-4.0 mg/kg bodyweight i.v. for 10–14 days; n = 20). We assessed treatment-failure (graft loss, lack of improvement of graft function or need for additional anti-rejection treatment), infections during the first 3 months after treatment and infusion-related side effects. In both groups, the median time-interval between rejection and transplantation was 2 weeks, and approximately 75% of rejections were classified as Banff-IIA or higher. Three alemtuzumab-treated patients (27%) experienced treatment failure, compared to eight RATG treated patients (40%, p = 0.70). There was no difference in the incidence of infections. There were mild infusion-related side-effects in three alemtuzumab-treated patients (27%), and more severe infusion-related side effects in 17 RATG-treated patients (85%, p = 0.013). Drug related costs of alemtuzumab-treatment were lower than of RATG-treatment (€1050 vs. €2024; p < 0.01). Alemtuzumab might be an effective therapy for steroid-resistant renal allograft rejections. In contrast to RATG, alemtuzumab is nearly devoid of infusion-related side-effects. These data warrant a prospective trial.
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Saturday, November 17, 2012
Factors Predictive of Medication Nonadherence After Renal Transplantation: A French Observational Study
Factors Predictive of Medication Nonadherence After Renal Transplantation: A French Observational Study
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Cancer Transmission From Organ Donors-Unavoidable but Low Risk
Cancer Transmission From Organ Donors-Unavoidable but Low Risk
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
BK Virus Replication and Nephropathy After Alemtuzumab-Induced Kidney Transplantation.
BK Virus Replication and Nephropathy After Alemtuzumab-Induced Kidney Transplantation.
- Theodoropoulos N, Wang E, Penugonda S, et al.
- BK Virus Replication and Nephropathy After Alemtuzumab-Induced Kidney Transplantation. [JOURNAL ARTICLE]
- Am J Transplant 2012 Nov 8.
- AbstractPublisher Full Text
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Polyomavirus BK Replication in De Novo Kidney Transplant Patients Receiving Tacrolimus or Cyclosporine: A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study.
Polyomavirus BK Replication in De Novo Kidney Transplant Patients Receiving Tacrolimus or Cyclosporine: A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study.
- Hirsch HH, Vincenti F, Friman S, et al.
- Polyomavirus BK Replication in De Novo Kidney Transplant Patients Receiving Tacrolimus or Cyclosporine: A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study. [JOURNAL ARTICLE]
- Am J Transplant 2012 Nov 8.
- AbstractPublisher Full Text
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Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Performance Over Time of Four Creatinine-Based Formulas
Estimating Glomerular Filtration Rate in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Performance Over Time of Four Creatinine-Based Formulas

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Friday, November 9, 2012
Ciprofloxacin Prophylaxis in Kidney Transplant Recipients Reduces BK Virus Infection at 3 Months but not at 1 Year
Ciprofloxacin Prophylaxis in Kidney Transplant Recipients Reduces BK Virus Infection at 3 Months but not at 1 Year
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Kidney Graft Survival in Europe and the United States: Strikingly Different Long-term Outcomes
Kidney Graft Survival in Europe and the United States: Strikingly Different Long-term Outcomes
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Intravesical Versus Extravesical Ureteroneocystostomy in Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Intravesical Versus Extravesical Ureteroneocystostomy in Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Cinacalcet for the Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Cinacalcet for the Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
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Effects of HLA-Matched Blood Transfusion for Patients Awaiting Renal Transplantation
Effects of HLA-Matched Blood Transfusion for Patients Awaiting Renal Transplantation
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Posttransplant Malignancies in Solid Organ Adult Recipients: An Analysis of the U.S. National Transplant Database
Posttransplant Malignancies in Solid Organ Adult Recipients: An Analysis of the U.S. National Transplant Database
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Tobacco Smoking and Solid Organ Transplantation
Tobacco Smoking and Solid Organ Transplantation
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Management and Outcome of BK Viremia in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Single-Center Study
Management and Outcome of BK Viremia in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Single-Center Study

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BK Virus Replication and Nephropathy After Alemtuzumab-Induced Kidney Transplantation
BK virus nephropathy (BKVN) is a recognized cause of graft failure in kidney transplant recipients. There are limited data on the epidemiology of BK virus (BKV) infection after alemtuzumab induction. By clinical protocol, the kidney transplant recipients at our center were screened with BKV plasma PCR monthly for the first 4 months posttransplant then every 2–3 months for 2 years. A single center retrospective cohort study of all kidney transplant recipients from January 2008 to August 2010 was conducted to determine incidence and outcomes of BKV infection. Descriptive statistics and Kaplan–Meier analysis was performed. Of 666 recipients, 250 (37.5%) developed viruria, 80 (12%) developed viremia and 31 (4.7%) developed BKVN at a median of 17, 21 and 30 weeks, respectively. Induction with alemtuzumab did not significantly affect incidence of BKVN. Increased recipient age, African American race, acute graft rejection and CMV infection were significantly associated with the development of BKVN in multivariate analysis. The incidence of BK viruria, viremia and nephropathy was not significantly different among kidney transplant recipients who received alemtuzumab induction compared to patients receiving less potent induction.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Concurrent Acute Cellular Rejection Is an Independent Risk Factor for Renal Allograft Failure in Patients With C4d-Positive Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Background: Identification of risk factors for renal allograft failure after an episode of acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) may help the outcome of this difficult-to-treat complication. Methods: During December 2003 to February 2011, 833 kidney graft recipients underwent 1120 clinically indicated biopsies at our center. We reviewed the biopsy results and identified 87 biopsy specimens from 87 patients positive for the degradation product of complement component 4 (C4d) and acute AMR. We generated Kaplan-Meier survival curves and performed a multivariable analysis using the Cox proportional hazards regression model to identify risk factors for allograft failure after C4d+ acute AMR. Results: Among the 87 patients, 26 had a diagnosis of acute AMR according to the Banff ’09 classification schema, 29 had acute AMR and chronic active AMR, 18 had acute AMR and acute T-cell mediated rejection (TCMR), and 14 had acute AMR, chronic active AMR, and acute TCMR. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates showed that concurrent acute TCMR (P=0.001, Mantel-Cox log-rank test), concurrent chronic active AMR (P=0.03), and time to biopsy (P=0.04) are associated with graft survival. The Cox proportional hazards regression analysis identified that concurrent acute TCMR (hazard ratio, 2.59 [95% confidence interval, 1.21–5.55]; P=0.01) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (hazard ratio, 0.65 [95% confidence interval, 0.48–0.88]; P=0.01) are independent risk factors for allograft loss. Concurrent chronic active AMR or time to biopsy was not associated with graft failure by the multivariable Cox analysis. Conclusions: Our single-center study has elucidated that concurrent acute TCMR in kidney transplant recipients with C4d+ acute AMR is an independent risk factor for graft failure. Level of allograft function at the time of diagnosis was also an independent predictor of graft loss.
Late Calcineurin Inhibitor Withdrawal Prevents Progressive Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Renal Transplant Recipients
Background: Calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)–based therapy is associated with adverse cardiovascular effects. We examined the effects of late CNI or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) withdrawal on echocardiographic parameters. Methods: This study was conducted as a substudy of a randomized trial in stable renal transplant recipients who were on a triple CNI-based regimen with prednisone and MMF that evaluated late concentration-controlled withdrawal of CNI or MMF on renal function. A total of 108 patients (age, 52.3±11.5 years; 67% male; at a median of 2.0 years post-transplantation, (interquartile range 1.3–3.3 years); estimated glomerular filtration rate, 57±16 mL/min/1.73 m2; 66% on cyclosporine and 34% on tacrolimus) entered the cardiovascular substudy examining echocardiographic parameters at baseline and 2 years after randomization. In all patients, traditional cardiovascular risk factors were treated according to predefined targets. Results: Late CNI withdrawal prevented progressive development of left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction, as assessed by markers of LV diastolic function (mitral deceleration time and mitral annular e′ velocity). Conversely, in the MMF-withdrawal group, the left atrial volume index (an indicator of chronic LV diastolic dysfunction) was significantly increased at 2 years (from 24.1±6.7 to 27.0±7.0 mL/m2, P<0.05). In addition, CNI withdrawal resulted in a higher proportion of patients achieving the predefined blood pressure targets (<130/85 mm Hg: 41.5% vs. 12.7%, P=0.001) at 2 years while requiring less antihypertensive drugs. Changes in the left atrial volume index were significantly associated with treatment arm (P=0.03) and changes in systolic (P=0.005) and diastolic (P=0.005) blood pressure. Conclusions: Late CNI withdrawal, from a triple-drug regimen in stable renal transplant recipients, prevented progressive deterioration of LV diastolic function and facilitated better blood pressure control.
Early Posttransplantation Hyperglycemia in Kidney Transplant Recipients Is Associated With Overall Long-term Graft Losses
Background: The association of early-onset posttransplantation hyperglycemia with long-term renal allograft survival is unknown. Methods: Seventy-one (SD 9) days after transplantation, 1410 first-time kidney transplant recipients without diabetes underwent an oral glucose tolerance test and were observed until primary outcome (graft loss) or December 31, 2008 (median [range], 6.0 years [0.3–13.8 years]). We used multivariable Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, creatinine level, donor age, preemptive transplantation, deceased donor, early rejection, and early cytomegalovirus infection to estimate hazard ratios for overall and death-censored allograft survival. Results: A total of 392 (28%) recipients experienced graft failure, and 235 (60%) were induced by death. Each 1 mmol/L increase in 2-hr plasma glucose (2hPG) was associated with 7% and 3% increased risk of unadjusted and adjusted overall graft failure (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval], 1.07 [1.04–1.10] and 1.03 [1.00–1.07]). Fasting plasma glucose was associated with unadjusted but not adjusted overall graft failure (1.09 [1.01–1.18] and 1.07 [0.98–1.17]). Neither 2hPG nor fasting plasma glucose was associated with death-censored graft loss (P=0.578 and P=0.896). Compared with recipients with normal glucose tolerance, recipients with posttransplantation diabetes mellitus showed a tendency toward increased overall multiadjusted graft failure (1.30 [0.98–1.73]). This was not observed in patients with impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. Conclusions: In this study, 2hPG was associated with overall graft failure but not death-censored graft failure. The link between 2hPG and graft failure may be explained by the association with mortality.
Polyomavirus BK Replication in De Novo Kidney Transplant Patients Receiving Tacrolimus or Cyclosporine: A Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Study
Polyomavirus BK (BKV)-associated nephropathy causes premature kidney transplant (KT) failure. BKV viruria and viremia are biomarkers of disease progression, but associated risk factors are controversial. A total of 682 KT patients receiving basiliximab, mycophenolic acid (MPA), corticosteroids were randomized 1:1 to cyclosporine (CsA) or tacrolimus (Tac). Risk factors were analyzed in 629 (92.2%) patients having at least 2 BKV measurements until month 12 posttransplant. Univariate analysis associated CsA-MPA with lower rates of viremia than Tac-MPA at month 6 (10.6% vs. 16.3%, p = 0.048) and 12 (4.8% vs. 12.1%, p = 0.004) and lower plasma BKV loads at month 12 (3.9 vs. 5.1 log10copies/mL; p = 0.028). In multivariate models, CsA-MPA remained associated with less viremia than Tac-MPA at month 6 (OR 0.60; 95% CI 0.36–0.99) and month 12 (OR 0.33; 95% CI 0.16–0.68). Viremia at month 6 was also independently associated with higher steroid exposure until month 3 (OR 1.19 per 1 g), and with male gender (OR 2.49) and recipient age (OR 1.14 per 10 years) at month 12. The data suggest a dynamic risk factor evolution of BKV viremia consisting of higher corticosteroids until month 3, Tac-MPA compared to CsA-MPA at month 6 and Tac-MPA, older age, male gender at month 12 posttransplant.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Randomized Pharmacokinetic Study of Generic Tacrolimus Versus Reference Tacrolimus in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Pharmacokinetic analyses comparing generic tacrolimus preparations versus the reference drug in kidney transplant patients are lacking. A prospective, multicenter, open-label, randomized, two-period (14 days per period), two-sequence, crossover and steady-state pharmacokinetic study was undertaken to compare twice-daily generic tacrolimus (Sandoz) versus reference tacrolimus (Prograf®) in stable renal transplant patients. AUC0-12h and peak concentration (Cmax) were calculated from 12 h pharmacokinetic profiles at the end of each period (days 14 and 28). Of 71 patients enrolled, 68 provided evaluable pharmacokinetic data. The ratios of geometric means were 1.02 (90% CI 97-108%, p = 0.486) for AUC0-12h and 1.09 (90% CI 101-118%, p = 0.057) for Cmax. Mean (SD) C0 was 7.3(1.8) ng/mL for generic tacrolimus versus 7.0(2.1) ng/mL for reference tacrolimus based on data from days 14 and 28. Correlations between 12 h trough levels and AUC were r = 0.917 for generic tacrolimus and r = 0.887 for reference drug at day 28. These data indicate that generic tacrolimus (Sandoz) has a similar pharmacokinetic profile to the reference drug and is bioequivalent in kidney transplant recipients according to US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency guidelines.
Pulsatile Pump Decreases Risk of Delayed Graft Function in Kidneys Donated After Cardiac Death
Organ storage techniques have been under scrutiny to determine the best preservation method, particularly in donation after cardiac death (DCD) kidneys. Conflicting literature on the benefit of pulsatile perfusion (PP) over cold storage (CS) warrants further investigation. We analyzed the risk of developing delayed graft function (DGF) in recipients of DCD and donation after brain death (DBD) kidneys undergoing PP or CS. We stratified on basis of cold ischemic time (CIT) to determine the interaction of preservation techniques, CIT and DCD kidneys on developing DGF. Of 54 136 recipients, 4923 received DCD kidneys of which 3330 (67%) underwent PP. Of 49 213 DBD recipients, 7531 (15%) underwent PP. DCD had a higher risk of DGF versus DBD (adjusted odds ratio, AOR 3.2; 3.0-3.5). PP kidneys had less DGF (AOR 0.59; 0.56-0.63) compared to CS. Interaction models of method by donor type referenced to PP/DBD revealed CS/DBD kidneys had higher DGF (AOR 1.8; 1.7-1.9), whereas CS/DCD kidneys had the highest risk of DGF (AOR 5.01; 4.43-5.67). Even though suggestive for a benefit of PP on DGF, this retrospective analysis cannot address whether this is an intrinsic effect of PP or is associated with the logistics of PP such as discard of DCD kidneys based on pump parameters.
Improved Renal Function After Early Conversion From a Calcineurin Inhibitor to Everolimus: a Randomized Trial in Kidney Transplantation
In an open-label, multicenter trial, de novo kidney transplant recipients at low to medium immunological risk were randomized at week 7 posttransplant to remain on CsA (n = 100, controls) or convert to everolimus (n = 102), both with enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium and corticosteroids. The primary endpoint, change in measured GFR (mGFR) from week 7 to month 12, was significantly greater with everolimus than controls: 4.9 (11.8) mL/min versus 0.0 (12.9) mL/min (p = 0.012; analysis of covariance [ANCOVA]). Per protocol analysis demonstrated a more marked difference: an increase of 8.7 (11.2) mL/min with everolimus versus a decrease of 0.4 (12.0) mL/min in controls (p < 0.001; ANCOVA). There were no differences in graft or patient survival. The 12-month incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR) was 27.5% (n = 28) with everolimus and 11.0% (n = 11) in controls (p = 0.004). All but two episodes of BPAR in each group were mild. Adverse events occurred in 95.1% of everolimus patients and 90.0% controls (p = 0.19), with serious adverse events in 53.9% and 38.0%, respectively (p = 0.025). Discontinuation because of adverse events was more frequent with everolimus (25.5%) than controls (3.0%; p = 0.030). In conclusion, conversion from CsA to everolimus at week 7 after kidney transplantation was associated with a greater improvement in mGFR at month 12 versus CNI-treated controls but discontinuations and BPAR were more frequent.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Value of Routine Voiding Cystourethrography After Renal Transplantation.
The impact of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) on renal allograft outcomes is debatable, with small cohort studies reporting controversial results. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate long-term clinical effects of early VUR in a large cohort of kidney transplant patients. Posttransplantation voiding cystourethrography was used to evaluate 646 consecutive kidney transplant recipients before discharge. The study endpoints included VUR grade, death-censored graft or patient survival, renal function, proteinuria and occurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Of the 646 recipients, 263 (40.7%) were diagnosed with VUR. VUR grade II was most common (19.8%), followed by grades III (10.2%), I (7.9%) and IV (2.8%). VUR was less common in transplantations performed by experienced compared to inexperienced surgeons (36% vs. 48%; p = 0.004). VUR did not affect death-censored graft or patient survival and was not associated with proteinuria or occurrence of UTIs. Patients with VUR had a lower eGFR at 1 year after transplantation than did patients without VUR (60 vs. 52 mL/min/1.73 m(2) ; p = 0.02), although this difference was not observed at 3 and 5 years after transplantation. We conclude that early VUR, a common finding among renal transplant patients, may not have a meaningful impact on long-term transplant outcomes.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wound Healing Complications and the Use of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors in Kidney Transplantation: A Critical Review of the Literature
Surgical complications, including events such as lymphocele and urological complications that affect wound healing, are reported with an incidence of 15% to 32% after kidney transplantation. The experience of the surgeon and comorbidities play an important role in determining the risk of such complications occurring. Since the introduction of the inosine 5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors (mycophenolate mofetil) to the immunosuppressive armamentarium, replacing the antimetabolite prodrug azathioprine, reports have associated certain forms of wound healing complications (wound dehiscence, impaired healing, lymphocele, and incisional hernia) with the use of these agents. When mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors (sirolimus, everolimus) became available, these findings were observed increasingly, particularly in direct comparisons with inosine 5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors. The purpose of this article was to review the reported incidence of wound healing complications from randomized clinical trials that investigated the use of sirolimus- and everolimus-based treatment regimens in de novo kidney transplantation and the information available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration database. The clinical trials included were primarily identified using biomedical literature database searches, with additional studies added at the authors’ discretion. This review summarizes these studies to consider whether modern mTOR inhibitor–based immunosuppressive regimens exert and affect wound healing after kidney transplantation.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Antithymocyte Globulin Induction in Living Donor Renal Transplant Recipients: Final Report of the TAILOR Registry
Background: The Thymoglobulin Antibody Immunosuppression in Living Donor Recipients registry was established to assess clinical experience with rabbit antithymocyte globulin (rATG; Thymoglobulin) in living donor renal transplant recipients. Methods: From 2003 to 2008, US transplant centers prospectively entered information on patients who received rATG induction. In addition to standard United Network for Organ Sharing registry data elements, information was collected regarding immunosuppression, viral prophylaxis, acute rejection, and adverse events. Results: Data on 2322 patients from 49 transplant centers were enrolled and met inclusion criteria for analysis. Patient and graft survival were 99.3% and 99.0% at 6 months and 98.4% and 98.2% at 12 months as recorded in Thymoglobulin Antibody Immunosuppression in Living Donor Recipients registry and were 91.5% and 83.2% at 5 years by Kaplan-Meier estimates based on linked United Network for Organ Sharing registry records. Freedom from rejection was 93.6% through 5 years. Mean rATG cumulative dose was 5.29 mg/kg. More than one-third of patients (37.6%) were steroid-free at discharge, and nearly half of patients (48%) were steroid-free at 12 months. Before discharge, 3.2% experienced serious adverse events, with 11 events (0.005%) reported as possibly or probably related to rATG. Incidence of cytomegalovirus infection was 4.2% at 12 months, and 99.1% of patients were posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder–free through 5 years. Conclusions: rATG induction in living donor renal transplantation is safe and associated with a low incidence of acute rejection and posttransplantation complications.
Tacrolimus-Based, Steroid-Free Regimens in Renal Transplantation: 3-Year Follow-Up of the ATLAS Trial
Background: Long-term use of corticosteroids is associated with considerable morbidity, including cardiovascular and metabolic adverse effects. Methods: This study evaluated the long-term efficacy and safety of two steroid-free regimens compared with a triple immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplant recipients. This was a 3-year follow-up to a 6-month, open-label, randomized, multicenter study. Results: Data from 3 years were available for 421 (93.3%) of 451 patients in the original intent-to-treat population (143 tacrolimus/basiliximab [Tac/Bas], 139 tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil [Tac/MMF], and 139 tacrolimus/MMF/steroids [triple therapy]). In the time interval from 6 months to 3 years after transplantation, the incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection was low and similar (Tac/Bas, 2.1%; Tac/MMF, 2.2%; triple therapy, 2.2%); Most rejection episodes occurred during the first 6 months of the study. Graft survival was high (Kaplan-Meier estimates: 92.7%, 92.5%, and 92.5%), as was patient survival (93.1%, 96.4%, and 97.0%). There were 10 graft losses (n=2, 4, and 4) and 12 patient deaths (n=5, 2, and 5). Renal function was well preserved throughout the study and similar between groups. There was a trend toward improved cardiovascular risk factors in the Tac/Bas group, including reduced total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower new-onset insulin use. There were no between-group differences in the incidence or type of adverse events. Conclusion: Higher rates of acute rejection early in treatment were seen with the steroid-free regimens, but this did not translate into poorer long-term outcomes, such as graft and patient survival and renal function. A trend for a more favorable cardiovascular risk profile was observed for steroid-free immunosuppression with Tac/Bas.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A Comprehensive Review of Everolimus Clinical Reports: A New Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitor
As new immunosuppressive agents are introduced to the market, clinicians are faced with the daunting task of sifting through the published literature to decide the value that the agent will add to their own practice. We often must extrapolate information provided through study in other solid-organ transplantation populations than our specific area of interest as we interpret the results and outcomes. With these challenges in mind, this compilation of published work for the newest mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor everolimus (Certican; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Hanover, NJ) (Zortress; Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland) is intended to provide a concise but thorough presentation of available literature so that the reader who may be unfamiliar with the agent can make their own judgment. Both Ovid and PubMed search engines were queried with a particular focus on high-impact articles noted in the Web of Science or Citation Index. Work described solely in abstract or case report form was excluded, as well as meta-analyses or those that were editorial or commentary in nature. Included were publications presented using the English language that described adult human subjects who received a heart, lung, kidney, or liver allograft. The goal of this strategy was to allow for the inclusion of pertinent literature in an unbiased fashion. Tables are provided that outline trial specific information, leaving a discussion of major outcomes to the text of the review. (C) 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.